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GPSC Updates on 05-04-2018

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GPSC Updates on 05-04-2018

GPSC Updates on 01-02-2018

Interview Programme for Advt. No.48,54,59,79,85,86,108,109/2016-17

Important Notice-Main Exam (Written) Application Form Filling and Call letter Downloading dates of Advt No. 38/2017-18,Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2

Final Answer Key,Concerned Subject,Advt No. 54/2017-18, Lecturer, Rasashastra and Bhaishjya Kalpana, Class-2

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No. 48/2016‐17,Assistant Director (Boiler), Boiler Inspection Service, Labour & Employment,Class-2