GPSSB Junior Clerk, Gram Sevak & FHW Official Answer keys 2017 Notification
▶GPSSB Junior Clerk, Gram Sevak & FHW Official Answer keys 2017
Gujarat Panchayat Seva Psandgi Mandal (GPSSB) published an official provisional answer key for Junior Clerk, Gram Sevak & Female Health Worker (FHW) written examination, 2017.
▶General topics include study and testing strategies; reading, writing, classroom, and project management skills; as well as techniques for learning as an adult, with disabilities, and online.
▶Some will summarize chapters of novels or the important elements of the subject.
▶Study guides for math and science often present problems (as in problem-based learning) and will offer techniques of resolution.
▶Name of Post:
Junior Clerk
Gram Sevak
Female Health Worker (FHW)
▶Exam was held on:
18/02/2017 & 19/02/2017
▶View Notification for Answer key: Click here