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SAPTI - Stone Artisan Park Training Institute State Nodal Unit Recruitment for Various Posts 2019

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SAPTI - Stone Artisan Park Training Institute State Nodal Unit Recruitment for Various Posts 2019

SAPTI - Stone Artisan Park Training Institute State Nodal Unit has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2019. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

Centre Manager (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Project Officer - Marketing & Branding (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Officer - Placement and Partnership Development (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Project Officer - Accounts & Admin (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Trainer/Senior Trainer/ Faculty (Stone Craft) (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Soft Skill Trainer (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Trainer/Senior Trainer/ Faculty (Stone Design and Innovation) (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Trainer / Senior Trainer / Faculty (Stone Technology and Techniques) (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Placement Coordinator (1 each-Ambaji & Dhrangadhra)
Project Officer - Marketing & Branding (1 for Gandhinagar)
Officer (Placement and Partnership Development) (1 for Gandhinagar)

Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.

How to Apply: Candidates should submit their applications along with all relevant documents duly certified copies by registered post so as to reach SAPTI State Nodal Unit office (during office hours 10:30 to 18:10) till 05/07/2019 at the following address: 101, Petrography and Mineral Chemistry Laboratory, Near PDPU, Raysan, Gandhinagar-382007. The application should be clearly titled on the cover as “Application for the post of (name of the post, location of the post)”. Application in person, through E-mail or any other medium will not be entertained.
In case of any queries, kindly reach us at asst-sapti@gujarat.gov.in.

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Last Date: 05-07-2019