New Whatsapp Forwarded Message Rule: 1 Group or 1 Person Only
Under current circumstances, the limit of forwarded message on WhatsApp has been tightened to prevent spread of rumors.
Previously a message could be sent to 5 persons simultaneously, it can now be forwarded to only one person at a time.
Ahmedabad: Rumors circulating on social media that parallel the Corona epidemic are becoming an equally alarming crisis. WhatsApp changes its policy to prevent misinformation being spread among the people. WhatsApp has officially announced that now the message forwarding limit will be tightened.
WhatsApp has taken drastic measures to curb rumors circulating on social media about the Corona virus. WhatsApp is now committing messages sent freely in a single chat. Currently WhatsApp gives the option of sending up to five messages simultaneously. WhatsApp is working on this feature. In which users will be able to confirm forwarded message.
WhatsApp is rolling out new features for forward messages, which can be blocked on face news. As a new update, users will now be able to forward a message to only one user. Frequently sent messages will be indexed with a double tick on WhatsApp. Prior to this the user could send a message to five people at a time. According to WhatsApp, this feature will reduce the number of people sending a message verbally by 25 percent.
Earlier, WhatsApp changed the policy of Unlimited Forward to provision 5 people at a time. Now, in the case of the Corona crisis, there is more aggression. Accordingly the message can be forwarded to only one person at a time. By doing so, WhatsApp intends to control the speed of the message transmission.
New Whatsapp Forwarded Message Rule: 1 Group or 1 Person Only
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