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GPSC Updates on 19-05-2019

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GPSC Updates on 19-05-2019

GPSC Updates on 19-05-2019

Final Result of Advt No.32/2018-19, Principal, Government Ideal Residential Schools, (For SEBC), (Directorate of Developing Castes Welfare), Class-2

Final Result of Advt No.31/2018-19, Child Marriage Prevention Officer cum District Social Defence Officer, GSS, Class-2

List of Ineligible Candidates for Preliminary Exam of Advt. No: 09/2018-19, Professor, Public Health Dentistry, Class-1 (Dental Cadre)

List of Ineligible Candidates for Preliminary Exam of Advt. No: 5/2018-19, Professor, Orthodontics and Danto Facial Orthopaedics, Class-1 (Dental)

List of Ineligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No: 51/2018-19, Research Officer, General Statistical Service, Class-2

List of Ineligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 42/2018-19, Executive Engineer (Mechanical), Class-1, Under Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply, and Kalpsar Department

List of Ineligible Candidate of Interview of Advt No. 41/2018-19, Analytical Chemist, Gujarat Mining Service, Class-2

List of Ineligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No.38/2018‐19, Assistant Engineer (Civil), Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply, and Kalpsar Department, Class-2

Detailed Interview Programme, Advt No.74/2015-16, Lecturer, Mechanical Engieering in Government Polytechnic, GES, Class-2

List of Ineligible Candidates for Interview of Advt. No. 44/2018-19, Principal, Gujarat Skill Training Services, Class-2

Important Notice regarding recommendation from waiting list, Advt No.78/2016-17, Assistant Professor, Sociology in Government Arts, Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2

Important Notice regarding recommendation from waiting list, Advt No.84/2016-17, Assistant Professor, Chemistry in Government Arts, Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2