Gujarat University Recruitment for Project Fellows posts at Department of Physics University School of Sciences
Gujarat University, Department of Physics University School of Sciences has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Posts: Project Fellows
Total No. of Posts: 02
Educational Qualification: Master’s Degree in Physics with minimum of 55% Marks,
[50% in case of SC/ST/PH/OBC(NCL)].
For further terms and conditions kindly refer to the rules available on UGC website.
Age Limit: Candidate shall not be more than 40 years of age on the date of interview. Upper age limit may be relaxed as per Government of India rules.
Desirable: (1) Knowledge of Linux/Unix/CentOS/Ubuntu operating systems.
(2) Familiar with softwares like Quantum Espresso/WIEN 2K/VASP/ABINIT etc.
Rs. 16,000/- (initially for two years) and Rs. 18,000/- (for third year onwards) per month + HRA as per government rules will be applicable to NET/GATE qualified candidates/Ph.D. degree holder in the concerned subject.
Rs. 14,000/- (initially for two years) and Rs. 16,000/- (for third year onwards) per month + HRA as per government rules will be applicable for non NET/GATE candidates.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply with full details on plain paper [including
qualifications, photo, age, e-mail ID, contact number, etc. along with details of certificates of
qualifications, experiences, NET/GATE exam and research article publications (if any)] so as to reach
the Co-ordinator by on or before 20/10/2018. The applications will be scrutinized on the basis of
qualifications, experience and suitability of the candidates in the programme. Only selected
candidates from the initial screening will be called for written test and/or interview. No further
communication on this matter will be entertained.
Written test and/or interview date will be intimated by “E-mail/Telephonically only” to the
shortlisted candidates.
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate if called for attending the written test and/or
Application envelop may kindly be superscribed with the title “Application for the Project Fellow
under UGC-DRS- II-SAP”.
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Last Date: 20-10-2018