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GPSC Updates on 20-04-2018

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GPSC Updates on 20-04-2018

GPSC Updates on 20-04-2018

Important Notice regarding Interview,26/2016-17 ,Superintendent, District Prisons/Open Prisons/Special Prisons, Gujarat Jail Service,HomeDepartment,Class-2

List of Ineligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 30/2017-18, Lecturer (Senior Scale) [Reader (Ayurved)], Kaya Chikitsa, Health and Family Welfare, Class-1

Corrigendum-List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No. 109/2016-17,Geologist,Gujarat Mining Service,Class-1

Detailed Interview Programme (Schedule), Advt. No. 91/2016-17,Assistant Professor, Zoology in Government Arts, Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2

List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny, Advt. No. 55/2017-18,Lecturer, Rognidan and Vikruti Vigyan, Class-2

Important Notice regarding Interviews Postponed of Advt. No. 86/2016-17,Assistant Professor, Botany in Government Arts, Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2