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ICPS Bhavnagar Recruitment 2017

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ICPS Bhavnagar Recruitment 2017

ICPS Bhavnagar  has released notification of recruitment for below mentioned various posts.

This is a great chance for interested candidates who are looking for ICPS  Bhavnagar Jobs 2017.

The candidates can apply for the desired post in the prescribed format on or before 15 Days of Advt. Published.

Candidate is advised to visit official notification before applying for this post.To know further details such as pay scale, age as on, procedure to apply and other information carefully read the notice given below.

 Name of the Posts:

Office Incharge: 01 Post
Counsellor :01 Post
House Father : 01 Post
Store Keeper Cum Accountant  :01 Post

full details of Educational qualification, Age limit, Pay scale, Grade pay ,selection process etc details candidates required to visit official notification which link given below at this vacancy notice.

How to Apply:
Within 15 days from the date of Advt.Published(Advt.Published date:26-05-2017)

Important Dates 
Last date for receipt of application is Within 15 days from the date of Advt.Published
(Advt.Published date:26-05-2017)

Click Here for Recruitment Advt