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Granted Secondary and Higher Seconadary Shixan Sahayak bharti Important details about address and time Granted Secondary and Higher Seconadary Shixan Sahayak bharti Important details about address and time:

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❇Granted Secondary and Higher Seconadary Shixan Sahayak bharti Important details about address and time:

🔹New file uploaded on the official website of GSERB.

🔹All District school selection place Addresses and time are available now. www.kamalking.in

🔹Before a day ago 7 districts places not available in the list.

🔹But now all districts address and time availavle now. All districts DEO contact numbers and Names also available now.

▶▶Download Address of place which is School selection camp held
(School Pasandgi camp and Address ):
Click Here